Miracle cure from acute leukemia and brain hemorrhage.

I am submitting this statement about my sister, Sujatha 30 years, and the treatment she underwent for her leukemia. Bone marrow aspiration test dated February 27, 2009 in Rudra Hospital, Nashik showed that she was having acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Samples sent to Mumbai also confirmed that she got the disease. Her doctor decided to start chemotherapy immediately. Three doses of chemotherapy were administered. Suddenly she had a massive brain hemorrhage due to the side effect of medicine. Her right hand and right leg were paralyzed and she fall in to coma. She was taken to the ICU. The doctors stopped giving her further doses of chemo. Even though my sister was having blood cancer she was physically healthy until a few days ago. With her becoming comatose all of us panicked, seemingly including the doctors. Some of the family members were angry and upset about this unexpected turn of events. It was difficult for us to accept the extent of negative effects that treatment caused. Her condition became very bad through the next days and her blood counts went down sharply.

My brother (Santosh) who was in Japan as a doctoral student got information about James Vaidyan from Internet. He communicated with him. We arranged James Vaidyan to visit Nashik. James Vaidyan suggested that we ask for permission from the doctor for him (James Vaidyan) to visit the patient in hospital ICU and give her medicine. We are thankful to the doctor for graciously permitting us to bring James Vaidyan and try his treatment. In addition, he offered that the hospital would do the monitoring, as well as provide the necessary medical support.

On 10th of March 2009 my sister`s blood report: platelet 11000, wbc 400, hb 8.6. It was on this day James Vaidyan came here and started his treatment.

"Her blood cancer could be treatable. But the emergency is the brain hemorrhage. To dissolve the blood clot and to revive the dead brain cells treatment should be started immediately after the hemorrhage. Already more than a week passed. No assurance let me try my best.”

We agreed to what he said, because scientifically speaking there was no more hope.

My sister improved significantly in 10-12 days. Slowly she came out of the coma. She regained movement of her eyes. She also started moving the fingers of her right hand, though the right leg did not show improvement at that stage. Blood counts were also improving steadily. She was progressing further in the coming days.

We got her discharged from the hospital and took her back to home. On the 3rd of May her blood report showed as: Pl. 370000 (yes 6 digits), wbc 6300, hb 11.2. She also showed amazing physical improvement. Her right leg gained strength and she began to walk very normally. Her memory came back. She started to talk normally. She became as normal as anyone else, except that she had no memory about her days in coma.

Blood report on 2nd of July, 2009:- Pl. 303000, wbc 7800, hb. 13.7

Her doctor in the hospital continued helping us with monitoring her whenever we took her to the hospital. His opinion about James Vaidyan's treatment: "miracle". Sujatha continued with James Vaidyan's treatment. We had been advised to continue this until the Vaidyan felt that she was safe from chances of relapse.

The treatment continued for one year, though she became physically and internally excellent much earlier.

After more than 6 years now, she leads happy married life; no disease nor any difficulties. Thank God. Thanks to Ayurveda and James Vaidyan.

Sandip B. Satbhai, LLM.
Asst. Lecturer, N.B.T. Law College.
Email: sandip.satbhai@gmail.com
Phone - 91 8275585369

M.Sc, Phd, Vienna, Austria
Email: sandybhai007@hotmail.com)

Back to life from end stage kidney failure.

I am a qualified nurse presently working as Staff Nurse in GOLDEN JUBILEE NATIONAL HOSPITAL GLASGOW in UK. I am glad to narrate how my mother in India came back to life from her end stage renal failure through unique indigenous treatment.

My mother's kidneys had completely failed to function in 2007. All of us were anxious, afraid and worried about what the future holds for her. She was 53 yrs of age and had been receiving hemo-dialysis three times every week, in four-hour sessions. She was on long-term medication for this problem and renal disease caused the complete failure of both the kidneys. Her appetite became very poor. She suffered from frequent body aches and headaches. Her skin became dry and she suffered from itching all the time. Insomnia was chronic. She had muscle cramps. Her hearing became poor. She lost all her hair. Her mental alertness also diminished significantly. Her speech was incoherent. Overall health became so poor that the doctors were not able to give her dialysis any more. She was expected to die with in days or weeks in the hospital.

It was at this time that we had the opportunity to approach James Vaidyan. He came to see my mom in the hospital and started his special treatment. It was on the 27th Dec. 2007.

Within a few days of starting James Vaidyan's treatment she showed signs of improvement in her general health and mental alertness. She started recognizing people and speaking coherently. After undergoing James Vaidyan's treatment for a few more days we got her discharged from the hospital. At home she began to improve faster. She passed urine more easily and her urine became clearer. We were monitoring serum creatine and other values carefully and asking for advises from hospital doctors regarding when dialysis is likely to be needed. Dialysis once in 10 days or 2 weeks became adequate for her. Kidney functioning became better and serum creatine level found steadily being reduced. Now, 16 months later, she leads a fairly good quality life. She is able to do normal household work. She is eating well and maintaining better health. Her hair has come back almost to normal. She is continuing James Vaidyans treatment, and going for dialysis 3 to 4 times a month.

FK 15 9ET


Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APML M3).

My name is K.Jeyamanei from Malaysia , married with two children. I was diagnosed with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APML M3) on 8th April 2008.

I went for tooth extraction whereby the wound didn't stop bleeding for almost two weeks. I also noticed a few bruises on my body. I went to a clinic for advise and a blood test was done. This revealed my disease.

I was admitted to a Hospital on 7th April 2008 and the first chemotherapy started the next day. I completed the first phase of treatment that consists of three days of chemotherapy and observation in three weeks time. I was discharged once my blood count were stable. Completion of the first phase of chemotherapy was a very bad and painful experience for me. It was full of pain and sufferings. I lost my hair. I was very much mentally and physically hurt.

I continued with my second phase of treatment which also consists of chemotherapy for another 8 times in 3 months time. It was equally bad as before. My strength to continue fighting the pain was my husband and my two young children ( 4 and 2 years old boys ). I have to be alive to bring my both children up. I'm the best mother for them. They need me badly.

My brother got to know about James Vaidyan through website once I was admitted for the first time. Vaidyan advised my brother to start the treatment with him without going through chemotherapy. But it was too late because my Hb count was too low and I may go into coma. We followed the doctor's advise.

We decided to meet Vaidyan right after my second phase of treatment before starting the third one. The third phase of treatment consists of tablets intake for one and a half years. My husband, my brother and I met Vaidyan on 5th October 2008. I started my treatment on the same day. He was very kind and helpful to us though we were from far. I was very relief after talking to him.Then I was confident that I m going to live longer. His treatment consists of nadi reading and medications.

We came back to Malaysia and talked to my doctor. He let us to decide on which treatment am I going to continue. I decided to continue with Vaidyan's treatment. This is because I can feel stronger both mentally and physically after meeting Vaidyan. It was already six months of treatment with Vaidyan. My blood count were normal throughout the treatment till now. I never go through any kind of pain or sufferings. My whole family are happier now. I pray that the Lord bless him and his family always. We wish that James Vaidyan ' s treatment will give relief to many more people around the world. I wish James Vaidyan all success.

Jeyamanei Karuppiah



I started having fever in July 2006. I went to hospital when the fever did not leave me even after taking medicines for about 20 days. Tests at the hospital showed that I had lymphoma. Doctor advised to start chemo therapy immediately.

It is at this time that I came to know about Ayurvedic treatment and James Vaidyan which is having no side effect from my cousin Babu. Babu himself was a patient of Vaidyan years ago. We talked with many people who were healed by James Vaidyan?s treatment.

After careful consideration we decided to start treatment by James Vaidyan. I have been under Vaidyan?s treatment since that time. Now my illness is completely gone and I live a normal life once again. Blood tests and other examinations confirm full recovery from the disease. I am able to travel and work now. Thus I have been blessed a lot by God.

Based on my experience, my family, my friends and I have great regard for and have great faith in James Vaidyan?s treatment. I pray that the Lord bless him with all kinds of skills. Many people ask me about James Vaidyan?s treatment, and I tell my testimony and how good the treatment is.

Scanned copies of important reports are attached here. Please follow the below link to review.
IHC Report 13-August, 2008
Leela Babu (54 years),
Puthusserry House,
Kothamangalam P.O.,
Ernakulam, Kerala


AML of elderly person

My brother Shri. Subramanian was diagnosed with AML at CMC Hospital, Vellore in October last year (2007). As he was 71 years old and his condition was very bad, the doctors were of the opinion that there was no chance for improvement and he might live only few more weeks. About that time we came to know about the treatment offered by James Vaidyan. We went to his center and started the treatment. Now after 9 months of James Vaidyan's treatment, he is living much more comfortably, though we have to give the patient platlets and blood in the hospital, whenever it is necessary. The quality of life has improved significantly for him due to James Vaidyan's treatment.

After observing his current condition, now the oncology doctors are of the opinion that the original diagnosis could be wrong. But we are very sure that the sole reason behind Subramanian's improvement is James Vaidyan's treatment. We are hopeful to continue the treatment to get complete recovery. We wish that James Vaidyan's treatment will give relief to many more people around the world.


(Former minister for Industries - AIADMK Govt. of Tamilnadu.),


A Case of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
Below are the details of Diagnosis & Treatment which I had undergone before getting treatments from Shri James Vayidyan.

Hospitalized at Hinduja Hospital Mumbai on 14 Sep 2005.

1st cycle of Chemotherapy started with Daunarubicin 80mg through Intra Venous route for 3 days from 17 Sep to 19 Sep 2005.

Tablet Vesanoid (ATRA ie All Trans Retinoic Acid ) started from 14 Sep 2007 with dosage 3-3-3 (9 tablets a day , 3 in morning, 3 in afternoon and 3 in night) and stoped on 24 April 2006.

2nd cycle of Chemotherapy started with Daunarubicin 80mg through Intra Venous route for 3 days from 19 Oct to 21 Oct 2005.

3rd cycle of Chemotherapy started with Daunarubicin 85mg through Intra Venous route for 2 days from 8 Nov to 9 Nov 2005.  

Maintainance Therapy with ATRA (3-3-3) , 15 days in 3 months with 6MP tablet (Mercaptopurine) daily (1-1) and Methotrexate 30mg tablet one in a week.

APL relapsed on Routine 3 monthly Bone Marrow Aspiration report at Hinduja Hosp. During 13 Feb 2007 indicates relapse of APL 50% of Promyelocytes with M/E ratio as 4:1 , Blasts 4%.

FISH/ Cytogenetics report done at Tata Memorial Hospital shows Interpretation as

"Signal pattern of PML,RARA & RARA probe revealed PML/RARA fusion and RARA break in 92-93% of interphase cells respectively. Metaphase analysis by PML/RARA & RARA Probes indicated 40-66%cells with PML/RARA fusion at 15q22 and 17q21.1 which was indicative of t(15,17)(q22:q21.1) positive case"

Immunophenotype report of Tata Memorial hospital shows CD13 is Positive 82% and CD33 is 95%.

Bone Marrow aspiration (morphology) report of Tata Memorial hospital shows Blast 2% Abnormal propyelocyte 38%, cellularity is Normocellular, M/E Ratio is 5:1.

Treatment for relapse Injection Arsenic Trioxide 10mg given through Intra Venous route from 24 Feb 2007 Due to QTc prolongation (in ECG QTc reached to 476 msec on 20th day) Arsenic Trioxide was stopped after 20 Days.

On the first day when 1st Injection of Arsenic Trioxide was given the QTc was 436 msec. The LVEF at that time as per the 2D-Echo report was 55%. Since ATO cannot be further given 1st Chemotherapy started on 18th March 2007 with Injection Mitoxantrone 18 mg for 3 days and Injection ARA-C 190mg per day for 7 days.

2nd Chemotherapy started on 30th April 2007 with Injection High Dose ARA-C 5.4 gm per 12 hourly for 3 days (6 doses).

Bone Marrow Aspiration report shows Remission with megaloblast in erythroporeisis and M:E Ratio as 1.2:1.

3rd Chemotherapy started on 7th June 2007 with Injection High Dose ARA-C 5.4 gm per 12 hourly for 3 days (6 doses). As the side effect of high dose Ara-C I developed cerebellar attack (in which I was having double vision and lost hand, leg and body motion control) from the last day of chemotherapy.

"RTPCR" test conducted on bone marrow aspirate sample given on date 11 July 2007 (please note report wrongly shows peripheral Blood) shows Translocation PML/RARalpha t(15:17) to be 0% with assay sensitivity of 0.001%.

The ECG done on 6/7/07 shows QTc as 431 msec. Wherereas on 17 april 2007 the QTc c was 401.

For further treatment my Hinduja Doctor referred me to the Leukemia expert at Prince Aly Khan Hospital,Mumbai who has has taken opinion of experts from CMC, Vellore. CMC Doctor advised for Borne Marrow Transplant which will cost Rs. 6 laks at Vellore. On asking CMC doctor through e-mail for guarantee of cure from Leukemia , it is informed that there is no guarantee and it is only best option available for leukemia patient.

Since there is no guarantee of Bone Marrow transplant and being very costly option with high toxic chemotherapy and there is no other option than BMT. From Internet I also found that most of the BMT results were not favorable and I did not wanted my family to be burdened by financial crisis in case BMT does not work. I decided to discontinue Allopathy treatment. So I was in search of alternative therapy to cure leukemia through Internet. Luckily I found website of James Vaidyan (www.jamesvaidyanhealing.com) in the first week of November 2007. I read all the pages of his website including references. He used Vedic Ayurvedic knowledge to cure and recover Leukemia. I emailed with my clinical details to him on his email address as mentioned in his website. I received telephone from him and then met him in his vaidhshala at Ernakulam. He saw all my past Blood /Bone Marrow aspiration reports. He checked my naadi and informed me that the disease could be curable provided I continue treatment for longer period (i.e. 1 to 1.5 years) . I verified his credentials after I met his patients whom he had treated earlier. Thereafter I visited his vaidhshala in December 2007, Jan 2008, February 2008, March 2008 & May2008. I had discontinued allopathic treatment completely and I was taking ayurvedic medicines of Shri James Vaidyan since November 2007. I started felling better. Once I was taking chemotherapy treatment I became very weak and could walk properly and could attend office for 2 months. After taking all 3 cycles of 2nd chemotherapy I even could not sit on hospital bed for 3-4 days and could not attend office for nearly one month and thereafter attended office along with my wife. All my problems and symptoms related to hand,leg and body movement controls got slowly resolved and in fact disappeared after I took ayurvedic medicines from Shri James Vaidyan. He twice performed some pranavidya work on my 8 marma points related to Leukemia in my Back. After taking his ayurvedic medication all my symptoms of cerebeller ataxia including the body motion control related problems disappeared. I also physically felt much better. During each of my visit he observed my progress in CBC Blood report and observed naadi and gave me his ayurvedic formulations. There was improvement in CBC Blood report taken during each time. The latest CBC report taken on 15/5/08 shows all the parameters to be normal. I am still under his ayurvedic medication and the progress so far is excellent and I am sure with his medication and care I will get cured of Leukemia completely.

Scanned copies of important reports are attached here. Please download to review. Also, the latest CBC report of 5-July, 2008.

TMT (Tread Mill
/ Stress Test)

Ultra sound of
abdomen and pelvis

Perpheral Smear
for openion

Cholesterol Test

Blood Sugar

Urine routine
& microscopy

ECG [06-Nov-2008]

Radiograph of
chest [26-Oct-2008]

CBC [26-Oct-2008]

Amitabha Das,
Dena Sadan,
M.G. Road,
Mumbai - 67.


Cured of A L L
I am a Lawyer practicing at high court of Kerala, Kochi for the last more than fifteen years. Shri James Vaidyan is known to me for the last twelve years as he treated and cured me in the year 1995 when I had severe cervical spondylites. I am amazed on the potentiality of Shri James Vaidyan in the field of Indian medicine that include Ayurveda and Sidha Vaidya. (One of the disks on my neck was protruded out to the size of half an egg, resulting severe pain all the time. I was getting ready for surgery as advised by my doctors. At that time I consulted James Vaidyan. I was given different types of Ayurvedic formulations for one month. After that, Ayurveda physiotherapy and marma chikitsa were administered for seven days, one session in the morning and one session in the evening each day, each session lasting one hour. On the night of the sixth day I noticed that the protrusion was no longer there and I felt no pain. Now even after 11 years I feel normal.)

On 24.11.2004 my first cousin sister Jisna Yohanan aged 18 years was admitted in the Medical Trust Hospital, Ernakulam and a bone marrow test was conducted though the Clinical Reference Laboratories of Ranbaxy, Mumbai and the result was handed over to me diagnosing that Jisna Yohanan is suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (A L L). The Oncologist suggested for Chemotherapy as the only way out. Instead of Chemotherapy, at my instance and my responsibility Shri James Vaidyan provided his treatment of pure healing and I could directly witness the changes day by day in my cousin sister, especially with regard to the various blood counts like Platlet Counts, WBC, Hb, RBC, etc. All her blood counts showed normal within Sixty days of the treatment of Shri James Vaidyan. The progress of the treatment was monitored through one of the reputed hospitals at Kochi and after six months my sister was advised for appearing for clinical examination only once in three months as she showed normal as regards all faculties. There after, it is advised that she needs only come for a check up once in four months and it is observed that she is physically fit for any sort of exertion. As on 24.11.2004 the Platlet Count became 270. Tthe treatment of Shri James Vaidyan is amazing for me and I never expected my sister to come out of Leukemia and it is only because of Shri James Vaidyan and his treatment she became absolutely normal and started going college after six months. Now Jisna Yohanan is doing her Graduation course in the college and is absolutely normal and I have no hesitation to say or to declare before anybody that Shri James Vaidyan cured my first cousin sister Jisna Yohanan out of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (A L L) and I believe that my sister is alive now only because of Shri James Vaidyan.

K. C. Eldho
High Court of Kerala.

Bone-marrow infection facing amputation
This is my story about miraculous healing from osteomyelitis (bone marrow infection), when I was facing amputation, through the treatment of James Vaidyan.

After meeting with an automobile accident, I was in the hospital. I had multiple fractures on my right leg. I underwent a number of surgeries and treatment through a long period, but with out recovering. Gradually, the infection reached inside bone marrow. Though the doctors tried their best to particularly address this situation, along with other unresolved complications, my condition deteriorated. Pain became too severe that I could not sleep. Doctors had to remove huge quantities of puss once in every few days by making openings in to the bone. They called it sepsis. I also developed allergy to sound and hence I had to be protected in a sound proof room. If some one knocked on the door, or if some other sound was made, I cried out in pain as if there is a blast inside body. Medical doctors explained that this was a symptom of severe osteomyelitis. It was very difficult for family members to see the unbearable pain I was suffering day and night. Medicines given were proved ineffective in giving me relief from the pain.

Bone marrow infection was spread to large areas of bone. Scan indicated that it was reaching towards the spinal chord. Doctors decided that they had no choice other than amputating my leg. They expressed their helplessness. They had tried all means possible with them, but they were unable to control the infection or the pain.

We chanced to hear about James Vaidyan and met him at his Vaidyasala. He examined me and said he cannot give us any assurance. However, he was ready to try his treatment. He needed a couple of days for preparation, before starting his healing.

Then we observed the magic of his healing. I use the word magic because I honestly believe that this is the right word one can use. It took only 2 days for me to get a complete relief from agonizing pain. From the third day, the allergy to sound vanished. There was no more sepsis after 2 weeks. The bone marrow infection was fully cured in 28 total days of the Vaidyan's treatment.

I returned to my work, running a small printing business in Kochi as I did before I met with the accident. I could focus on my works once again after suffering so much, though I had still other unresolved orthopedic problems and a limp while walking.

Jitaads Offset Printings
Chittoor Road, Ernakulam South

My son Deepak Balakrishnan was 14 years and studying in school when he started getting intermittent pain in abdomen. The doctor in the city hospital diagnosed appendicitis. He was under treatment for few months and then doctor advised surgery. We consulted James Vaidyan because we personally knew him for years and we were aware of his practice of many amazing cures. I was confident that surgery could be avoided if he agrees to take up the case. James Vaidyan offered to treat my son. In fact, we did not go to his Vaidyasala in Kochi, but he was kind enough to visit our home. He gave some special formulations specifically made for the ailment. And it worked very well. Treatment lasted 30 days, and my son recovered fully. Now after four years my son has no pain or discomfort. I am glad that I could give this testimony here.
  T.S. Balakrishanan
By-pass road, Thekkady.

Female Infertility    

My husband and I have been living in Chicago for 12 years. I am a registered nurse(R.N.) by profession and my husband, certified public accountant (CPA).  We could not have any children.  In our great longing for having a baby we consulted many doctors and underwent treatment for female infertility in different hospitals in the US. We lost innumerable working days and spent large sums of money, but all our efforts were futile. 

My parents who live in India brought to us the news about the practice of an indigenous Vaidyan in Kochi as having many amazing cures for different kinds of ailments and health problems.  We telephoned James Vaidyan a few times and discussed this matter with him in detail. He was of the opinion that the problem I was having did not seem easy to solve. However he offered to observe closely my physiological and constitutional features for better understanding, if I meet him  in person, and make a better evaluation. In case the treatment were to start, his rough idea was that I must stay there initially for one month, return to Chicago with medicines and revisit him after 3 months to stay back there for another 45 days.  My mother in India met James Vaidyan at his Vaidyasala.  She was given the opportunity to meet and talk to a few couples who had undergone his treatment and succeeded in having babies. That made us more hopeful.

We decided to go to India.  On 04 September 2003 I met him at his Vaidyasala in Kochi. I spent about 1 hour there when he examined my physiology by a very strange and interesting way of reading my pulse by using nothing but putting his fingers on my wrist, nadi  reading, he called it.  It took almost 10 minutes while I saw him remained still, his eyes closed, and with out even a slight movement of his body.  His three fingers at my wrist alone moved sometimes when he would have been adjusting the pressure of contact. Later those movements of his fingers also seemingly stopped.  At one time I felt he was sleeping. Suddenly he opened his eyes and looked at me, only to close them again. 

I was very eager to hear whatever he had to say, but he remained silent and calm after finishing the nadi reading.  We too did not ask anything.  I had nothing to do other than wait for him to say something. I believed that he would definitely speak, may be the next moment, or after sometime, but almost a quarter hour passed. I had never been through such a situation before. Nevertheless there was no anxiety, but I felt an extreme and unexplainable calmness with in me.
He said he was willing to treat me, though he could not guarantee the outcome. We opted to get his help and decided to stay in Kochi temporarily according to his advice. I arranged for a place to stay within one mile away from his center. His Vaidyasala was a very tiny establishment. A simple hut- like place where he lived as well as prepared some sort of formulations. It was a long narrow passage to walk to this house from the tar road. I went there on the recommendation of my own mother. May be that prevented me from under estimating him with the material surroundings he has had. Treatment was started the very next day.  I was given different kinds of medicines to be taken at different times of the day. Almost every alternate day, early in the morning, I would go to the Vaidyasala for him to get my nadi reading according to which he sometimes changed the medication. From the second week, the formulations for taking in were all different, and also there was physiological therapeutics. He was kind, simple and gentile. The amount of concern and enthusiasm he had for me touched my heart.  It was usual for him to be away from the city for a few days for collecting medicinal plants or visiting his patients.

I stayed in Kochi for one month and then returned to the US with 3 different formulations that he gave.  I was to re-visit the Vaidyan after three months according to our original plan, but that became unnecessary.  I am happy to share with all my readers about the glorious thing that happened with in one month of my return. I conceived, and a cute baby girl was born on July 11, 2004.

  Sherly Ampalathumkal
Natlie Drive, West Chicago
IL- 60185, USA

I am an allopathic doctor. I have first hand knowledge of a very significant medical case of healing of type A Jaundice by a native indigenous Vaidyan. In April 2000 when I was in my clinic a friend of mine telephoned me about the critical condition of one of our common friends, Mr. Babu ( K.R.Babu, Kalasheril, Padam road, Vaduthala, Kochi-23 ), a 50 year old political activist. He was under treatment for acute A- type Hepatitis for about two weeks and his condition was deteriorating.

Based on a strong recommendation from a well-known businessman of Kochi, a common friend of all of us, we decided to request the services of James Vaidyan. After examining the patient the Vaidyan observed that his condition was indeed bad. However, he was ready to extend his full support and treat the patient on the request of family members and friends.

I was very eager to observe the treatment and its result. I wondered what this Vaidyan will be able to do when regular medicines were not effective in controlling the jaundice and bilirubin was very high.

A blood test on the tenth day showed that bilirubin has decreased to normal Level. The patient was also feeling perfectly well. Soon he returned to his normal life being busy with his politics.

  Dr.Mathew M. Thekkekkara, MBBS, MCCP.
Elamakkara, Kochi- 682026

I was suffering from cardiac related stress since 1998 and was finding it difficult to walk even at times. After several years I was advised to go in for an angiogram test as part of the investigation by the doctor. But thanks to James Vaidyan, as I was given a course of medicines including different choornams, syrrup and Lehyam. After taking the medicine for about a week, I started noticing the difference. My hand pain came down and I was able to walk normally. Currently after 90 days of medicine, I am comfortable to walk up to the first floor and am able to perform with normal vigor ? in fact better than the previous condition.

My wife Lipsy ? an English Teacher in Doha-Qatar has found the medicines of James Vaidyan effective for her Rheumatic complaints. Her severe body pain and back pain has been relieved in a month?s time, after taking the medicines given by James Vaidyan. She is now able to stand up and teach in the class.

James Vaidyan also has treated and cured the blood cancer of my cousin sister Jisna who is now an undergraduate student in Kerala. This case is cited in detail in the Testimonials by K. C Eldho.

It is my pleasure to recommend James Vaidyan to any patient who is suffering from such ailments as above. The scholarship, dedication and commitment of James Vaidyan to his subject are uncanny. It is a lifetime opportunity for me to have met him. I consider that I am fortunate to have received his treatment. I sincerely wish that more and more people should be able to get the benefits of the great traditions of authentic healing which James Vaidyan is promoting.

  Dr. Sabu K.C. M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D.
Lecturer in Education (Adhoc),
Department of Education,
NCERT Regional Institute of Education,
Bhopal ? 462 013, INDIA
E-mail: sabukc2001@sify.com

Cardiac Disease    
It was on 29. 12. 2000 that I first met James Vaidyan to consult him about the ailments that I was suffering from. I had heard about him occasionally from a friend of mine who advised me to seek his help. Prior to that, in spite of undergoing treatment in hospitals for more than 3 years my problems remained unresolved. I was suffering from breathlessness and asthma problems. It became impossible for me to do any physical exertion, to walk at a normal pace or to climb up steps. I had been a farmer for a long time doing all sorts of tasks on my own. Now, despite the treatments that were going on, the severity of disease was increasing and daily life became difficult and miserable.

When I met James Vaidyan at his Vaidyasala in Kochi (35 K.M. away from my village), he did some sort of pulse reading and other observations, which were strange procedures for me until then. After his examinations he made the stunning statement that I had no asthma but symptoms of the disease are due to cardiac problems. The next day I went for a cardio scan which confirmed multiple blockages in the arteries. James Vaidyan treated me for a few months. The first stage treatment of about 2 weeks itself gave me tremendous relief. By the end of the full course of treatment I felt very fine. After six years, now at the age of 67, I am able to do all the physical work I need to do. I am even strong enough to do strenuous work including climbing many flights of steps, climbing trees and other usual chores of a farmer.

I feel happy whenever I visit James Vaidyan at his center. I have a close personal relationship with this man now. I was glad when he asked me for a testimony about my experiences with him. I believe that he is a real great Vaidyan, a very rare species in the lineage of those who practiced ancient Indian indigenous healing tradition, with mastery in curing many fatal and very difficult diseases. I wish him all success while facing new challenges and attending to extreme health problems of people from different corners of the world, which may otherwise remain unresolved.


Extensive Aphthous Ulcer    
My name is Narayan. I am giving this testimony about a wonderful cure that my son could enjoy through James Vaidyan's healing in 1999. My son, Nidhin, was 13 years at that time and was studying at Don Bosco School. He had been suffering from a strange disease, which the doctors we consulted found difficult to diagnose correctly. He suffered from extensive, severe and a chronic type ulcer-like ailment in his mouth. He was unable to eat anything, or to drink even a drop. Ulcers on the gums, the tongue and all inside the mouth appeared all joined together forming one thick mass. It was excruciatingly painful all the time. The mouth remained half opened. The poor boy could not close it or open it more. Being practically unable to eat anything, he became emaciated and week. For doctors this was an uncommon ailment. Examinations and tests revealed that disease was not malignant. Treatments using a variety of medications did not give any relief, but instead his condition deteriorated. We feared that the worst is going to happen.

We came to know about James Vaidyan and approached him. It was on 20. 04. 1999. He started the treatment on the very same day. Vaidyan gave him altogether 28 days treatment. He started getting relief with in a couple of days, and by the end of the treatment period the disease was completely cured. He started eating well and he regained health and physical fitness fully within a few months. Symptoms of the disease never appeared again.

‘Love hut’
Vaduthala, Kochi.

Colon Cancer
I am a teacher retired after 35 years of service. In 2002 when I was diagnosed with cancer in the intestine the diseased had advanced to secondary stage. I underwent treatment at SAT Hospital, Trviandrum. A portion of my large intestine was removed by surgery. Radiation and chemotherapy that were started before the surgery were continued. After being under control for 2 years with regular medical care the disease relapsed.

My son, a lawyer in the Higher Court of the state of Kerala in Kochi came to know about James Vaidyan and his healing practice. He took me to his Vaidyasala. Vaidyan visited me at my home and started treating me the very next day, December 12, 2004. I stopped taking all other medicines at his advice. I had to also follow strict diet restrictions as per his advice. Although I was fond of eating a lot of meat and fish from my childhood, I had to stop it all of a sudden. There were still more restrictions with regard to salt, tamarind, chilly and yams. Grains and fruits were allowed. I was not allowed to take bath for several days. Despite all these restrictions, initially there were no signs of improvement. Instead the disease worsened by the end of the second week of the Vaidyan's treatment. It was, for me, almost like getting to the end of the road. Later I came to know that others also had lost their hopes, and even Vaidyan himself was not very optimistic. As for my family members, they were convinced that there were no better treatment options available at this advanced stage of disease.

Fortunately, the situation slowly improved. By the end of another two weeks, I started feeling better and seemingly symptoms of the ailment also began to improve. Vaidyan regularly visited me at my home. Hectic medication continued for six months. And I got a perfect recovery from cancer. Now I lead a very normal life, except for diet controls I have been imposed. I travel every morning from my village to the town and take care of a commercial business undertaking one of my sons is running, and come back home in the evening. I am now 65 year old. I take no medicines now nor suffer any ill effects of the disease that once afflicted me.

It is my hope that many more ailing people who may fail to find remedies elsewhere will come to know about James Vaidyan, and will get opportunity to get healed by him.

  N. George
Piramadam, Ernakulam Dist.

My brother, Aravindan was 54 years, when he was diagnosed with AML. We treated him in one of the prominent cancer hospitals in India, Appolo hospital, Chennai. After a course of treatment, his condition became bad and there after the situation deteriorated very fast. His body became weak, immunity was all gone, pneumonia started, and breathing support was necessary and almost unable to speak. After few more days, neither the doctors nor family members had any hope of further betterment.

It was during those days, my nephew brought news about James Vaidyan. Hardly any one could have had a hope at this stage of aggressiveness of the blood cancer and I was hesitant to try a new treatment approach for my brother. When the Vaidyan was brought to the city and his own physiological assessment was made, he expressed slight hope. It took a day further for us to take a decision, and we decided to let him go for a try. This was on the first week of July 2003. Symptomatic Improvement was visible after a few days of Vaidyan's treatment. Arvindan started getting relief and laboratory reports stated that the betterment is substantial. It took less than one month for Aravindan to walk, eat and sleep like a normal person. Vaidyan was frequenting to our home and doing his healing.

After few months Aravindan could visit his office again. He was an engineer by profession with Container Terminal India. Every body was so happy to see him recovered. Clinical examinations also were very positive. Blast count diminished from 56 to 3. Platelet was improving to as much as 2,02,000 at one time. Hb improved and often it was between 9 and 10.5. WBC once slashed down to as low as 8000. Life was easy for him and physically he was comfortable.

After one year, disease appeared again. There after his condition was deteriorating with out another recovery, and he passed away on 11 November 2004. James Vaidyan worked sincerely and we are thankful to him for his sincere effort and support which brought tremendous relief during the days of suffering and prolonged Aravindan's life by 14 months.

  K. Premchandran
1-B, West Palm,
“Fairmont Garden”
Apt. 66- Mount Ponamalli road,
Chennai- 600089.

Type-A Jaundice
I write this testimony in favor of my daughter, Sheeja, who currently lives and works in Dubai with her family. Twelve years ago, when she was in Higher Secondary School, she was afflicted by Hepatitis A (Jaundice). Doctors confirmed the disease after blood tests, and her bilirubin count was 18. She was to undergo treatment as an in-patient, for at least a couple of weeks. This was a difficult situation as her Board examinations were just ahead, and missing the examinations meant losing a year. I sought the assistance of James Vaidyan whom we knew earlier as an expert in healing jaundice. He was good enough to visit my daughter at our home. Treatment was started from the next day, and it lasted only for a mere 5 days. He directed to keep the sixth day with no medication, and to get the blood checked on the seventh day. The bilirubin count was 1. She became perfectly okay. The only difficult aspect of the whole healing process was that she had to keep away from taking bath during those six days.
  Elykutty Varghese
Vadavathoor P.O., Kottayam.

Heart Disease
I am 65 years old. I had complications from multiple ailments. My general health was very poor, with week digestion, joint pain, breathlessness while walking, peripheral vascular disease, and hypertension. I had a minor heart attack on January 18, 2005. The doctors did not opt for surgical or invasive intervention because of the suspected risks involved in my case. The medicines, different types and in heavy doses, given from the hospital did not give me relief. Life became miserable as I found it difficulty to breath even when I was physically inactive.

I approached James Vaidyan and treatment started on 20.05.2005. I felt much better after just a few days of treatment. Altogether there were 60 days of treatment. During those days there were three or four personal meeting with the Vaidyan for him to do my physiological assessment and practice appropriate treatment. I got great relief by the end of this period. I started walking easier with out difficulty in breathing. I felt that my heart’s functioning is much improved though its technical status is unknown. Also I feel fine internally. Digestion is better. Although out of treatment I have been keeping the diet restrictions he had given me very carefully.

  T.V. Shyamalan
Compara, Kochi.

I am 34 years old woman. For the last 6 years I was suffering from eczema. The ailment initially affected my toes and later on my fingers. It was a severe case of the disease I tried different doctors and treatments all those years, but flare-ups were frequent and my life was miserable.

It was then I heard about James Vaidyan and got an opportunity to be treated by him and I was healed. It took only 2 weeks time for me to get complete relief. Treatment continued for 3 months. All through out this three months period there was no recurrence of eczema. And now it is 18 months since treatment was stopped. And no sign of disease so far.

  Laiza Antony
20/ 2768, Kalathiveettil House,
Cultus Road, Perumpadappu,

Multiple blocks in coronary artery
In 2002 I was diagnosed with multiple blocks in my coronary artery and blood flow reduction in my heart. Doctors advised me to undergo by- pass surgery. I was on medications until the time appointed for surgery. Actually, I had a lot of fear and hesitation to have a heart surgery. As the days passed by, the discomfort of heart was increasing. It was during those days I came to hear about James Vaidyan's healing. I was in TamilNadu state and Vaidyan in Kochi of Kerala State. I spoke to him over phone a couple of times and he offered a free consulting the next time when he will travel through the area where I live.

He checked my nadi. After the physiological assessment, the Vaidyan offered to treat me. It started on 17.03.2003 and prolonged for 4 months. Within one-month from starting the treatment I enjoyed wonderful relief, and still it continues. He has told me that there must be refreshing of treatment course with in two years. I have not done it so far as I feel quite well and comfortable. Of course, I know that I must do it sooner or later.

I wish James Vaidyan all success.

  Mohammed Ishaq,
Dindigal, Tamilnadu State